
Hotel Stars


Schatzalp, 7270 Davos Platz

Distance to
Congress Center




The Hotel is situated 300 meters on top of Davos and can be reached by funicular in only 25 minutes. The funicular runs in the center of Davos close to the Central Sporthotel.

Dimensions (m)
Square meters: 291

Capacity (pax)
Fishbowl: 70
Roundtables: 100
Round tables: Yes
Square tables: Yes

Technical Equipment

05 hand held mics / 01 Projector


The Dinning Room is composed of main floor, one elevated smaller room and one smaller back room for private meetings or drinks.

Dimensions (m)
Square meters: 60

Capacity (pax)
Fishbowl: 24
Square tables: 60
Roundtables: No

Technical Equipment

03 hand held mics


Tannensaal is located in the Panorama restaurant at the exit of the cable car. The room is at the far left side of the restaurant on the opposite side of Spenglerstube.

Dimensions (m)
Square meters: 38

Capacity (pax)
Fishbowl: 16
Square tables: 32
Roundtables: No

Technical Equipment

05 hand held mics


Spenglerstube is located in the Panorama restaurant at the exit of the cable car. The room is on the right side of the restaurant on the opposite side of Tannensaal.